Fit For ALL



Do you wake up each day in some kind of  niggling neck pain? Is that ankle still bothering you from a past injury? Is your lower back aching when sitting  for prolonged periods? Is your shoulder pain preventing you from getting up on your surfboard or swinging your golf club? Is your knee giving you grief when riding your bike?

If any of these scenarios or something similar sound like you then you are likely to benefit from a rehab personal trainer. Working alongside other allied health professionals, a rehab PT can get you back on track through activating, strengthening, lengthening and mobilising joints and muscles in your body return to full function and help reach a pain free life.

Personal Training

Just like the name suggests, Personal Training is getting ‘personal’ and addressing the goals of each individual whether it be short or long term. Using a healthy and realistic approach, you will be stepped through a structured program on how to go about achieving your nominated goals with support and encouragement.

Resistance training

The benefits of resistance training are countless and should not be forgotten in a training session. Fit for All can provide structured sessions and phased programs to keep the body balanced, strong and functional. More importantly training under quality supervision ensures that full benefits are gained from training under load.

Sport specific

If you have a particular sporting goal or event in mind then Fit for All can equip and prepare you accordingly. Whether it be to improve your golf handicap, run a half marathon or compete in your first triathlon, setting and reaching your goal is very rewarding once you have the tools to do so.

Weight loss

Weight loss is the most popular reason for seeing a Personal Trainer as according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics approximately 63% of the Australian population are overweight or obese. An understanding of the role that nutrition and exercise play in weight loss is fundamental and must be understood to achieve results. Fit for All provide some simple strategies that can keep you on track and accountable.

Specific conditions

In working under the guidance and advice of allied health professionals, Fit for All can help manage chronic diseases through supervised exercise and lifestyle modifications. A detailed assessment of individuals is given to ensure safe and appropriate exercise prescription is given.

Fit For ALL

Home gym fit-outs

If the gym is just not your scene and you would like the privacy and convenience of working out in your own home, then a home gym fit-out may be what you require. Choosing quality equipment and layout is important to maximise the space and to match your exercise requirements. We provide consultations to advise ideal fit-outs and can source fitness equipment accordingly.